Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Chronic Disease Management for 2017

A CDM referral allows up to 5 Medicare-supported visits for Exercise Physiologists in a calendar year.

People with any chronic condition may see an AEP one-on-one for private and individualised exercise testing, prescription counselling and support.

How to organise a referral to see one of our Exercise Physiologists today.

A Chronic Disease Management Plan (CDM) is coordinated with your local General Practitioner (GP) and practice nurses who plan and coordinate the health care of people with chronic or  complex medical conditions.  A CDM plan is for people who require a combination of health care services; from a GP and at least two other allied healthcare providers.

A CDM referral allows up to 5 Medicare-supported visits to a range of allied health professionals, including Exercise Physiologists in a calendar year. Referrals can be faxed directly to our Melbourne clinic (Fax: 03 8692 6715) or can be submitted via our online referral system.

You may also self-refer directly and pay “fee for service” consultation for individual services.  These are $88 for an initial 60 minute consultation and $80 per 45 minute review consultation.  Any out of pocket costs are claimable under private insurance extras cover.

Email info@mvfit.com.au or phone 03 9996-0790 to make an appointment or find out more.

Our Melbourne Exercise Physiology Clinic

Exercise is Medicine in the Melbourne Community

The role that Moonee Valley Health and Fitness has with EIM in the Melbourne community is to integrate physical activity as a standard in health care and to promote exercise and movement in the local community.

All our exercise professionals work closely with the medical community to help provide support with patients who have chronic diseases.

Exercise is a medicine and doctors should prescribe it, patients should take it!

Starting an Exercise Program at MV Health and Fitness

Starting an exercise program can sound like a daunting task, but it can be made easy by booking an initial consultation with one of our health and fitness professional and having our team guide you.

Remember, for most people the main goal is to boost your health by meeting the basic physical activity recommendations: 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity at least five days per week, or vigorous intensity activity at least three days per week, and strength training at least twice per week.

Our Melbourne Clinic is set up in a private personal training studio, and has access to all the training equipment and rehabilitation tools need for an effective program.

YES, you can benefit from seeing an Exercise Physiologist

  • Please be as specific as possible.

Exercise Physiologist Melbourne

  • Moonee Valley Health and Fitness – Exercise Physiology
  • Call: (03)9996-0790
  • Email: info@mvfit.com.au
  • Fax: 03 8692 6715

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